Saturday, September 02, 2006

This is one of my favourite pictures
as it shows how happy our precious Sebastien
is and how much Love, Hope and Joie de vivre he shows us ...... what a special moment to capture and we are sooo blessed with our littel miracle
who is hugging his amazing Papa...
(did you notice his skin colour?)

This picture was taken yesterday (friday) during the afternoon. Sebastien is laughing during our play time with him and reading his favourite books......
The team also decided to start feeding Sebastien with his formula @ 1cc/h yeah........

This picture was taken late one night as we were blessed to hold our precious Sebastien for the first time in our arms......... what a special moment.....

This is one of the first pictures of our littel Love Sebastien after taking out his breathing tube..... yeahhhh.......

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Further details

Sébastien only went to the O.R. this afternoon as his condition was stable enough throughout the night, although his bleeding continued intermittently. The doctors were unable to find the cause of the blood loss, leaving David and Jasmina with their own theories... Perhaps the upper G.I. test, given yesterday to see if Sébastien's bowel could receive food, may have had something to do with it, possibly pushing old blood from his bowel into his ostomy bag. On a more positive note however, the doctors found no signs of rejection or infection and will continue to keep a close eye on him for the next few days.

Jasmina and David seem to enjoy their stay at the Ronald McDonald house, meeting other parents with sick children and sharing both the happy and sad moments of such an experience. Despite the emotional challenges of having a little one in the hospital, they are grateful for the support of parents in similar situations.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We've had news...

Sébastien is losing blood. The doctors are concerned and it is possible Sébastien will be returning to the O.R. so that the doctors have a better idea as to what the problem is. Unfortunately, that is the only news we have now...


Monday, August 28, 2006

After over 2 weeks we are aloud
to hold our littel miracle Sebastien in our arms.....
what a special moment for us ....
Sebastien was sooo happy and gave
us millions of smiles......
what a beautiful Sunday....
We were also blessed with some
more visitors from Winnipeg.
Evelyn & Lauchie with Marie came
to visit Sebastien and they even
were welcomed with
smiles of Sebastien.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Unser lieber Schatz Sebastien
hat am Samstag seinen Atemschlauch herausbekommen
und wir waren soooo uberglucklich
als wir seine sanfte Stimme endlich
wieder horen konnten.
Es ist solch ein grosser Segen
unseren lieben Sebastien
zum ersten mal nach mehr als 2 Wochen
in unsere Arme zu nehmen und wir danken dem lieben Gott dafur.
Sebastien versucht auch trotz all der Anschlusse an den verschiedenen Maschienen mit seinen
Spielsachen zu spielen und er lacht
wenn wir mit Ihm spielen.

Our sweet Love Sebastien is doing really great and since late Saturday afternoon we can hear our littel miracle boy cry again as they took out his breathing tube....yeahhhhh.... with tears in our eyes we welcomed his first attempts to cry again as his voice is still a littel bit soft after having a breathing tube in for over 2 weeks...... it feels sooooo great to hear his voice again....
We are sooo blessed and give thanks to God for every day and we were also so blessed with some dear visitors that came to support us during our stay here in Toronto..... we spend a lovely afternoon with Jennifer on Friday and we were blessed with Father Paul who brought us Holy Communion to give us all strenght as well we welcomed also Stacey & Scott who came to visit our amazing Sebastien and were soooo nice to bring our Camera from Winnipeg and we would like to thank our friend Stephanie & Marc who sent us with them their Love and some treats for us to ensure we stay healthy and strong.
We hope to update you soon with some more
pictures of our son Sebastien
without his breathing tube and his
wonderful eyes of hope.....