Saturday, August 12, 2006

Back to the OR

Tonight the doctors learned that during the transplant, they slightly nicked Sébastien's diaghragm. Sébastien must return to the Operating Room for a 2 hour operation to correct the diaghragm and loosen the stitches which put pressure on the kidneys and impeded Sébastien from being able to urinate.

David and Jasmina's "Little Angel" is quite puffy and lies still in his crib. The hospital has accepted to have David and Jasmina stay for three nights, as there is an important HIV conference in Toronto and "there is no room at the Inn".

Check back here soon for pictures.

Sébastien endured a 12 hour operation yesterday, while his parents, no doubt very anxious, drank coffee to stay awake, awaiting the doctor's news. The operation went successfully... the liver was transplanted and fit without the doctors having to cut it. The intestines were transplanted second and the incision will not be fully closed for another month. Since Sébastien's lower abdomen remains open, he is heavily sedated and visits from his parents are quite limited. As with most major operations, the 48 hours following are most critical.

Sébastien's liver and small bowel operation is only the third this year... The one previous, effectuated in June, on a little girl named Isabella, was successful so far, and needless to say, has boosted David and Jasmina's hopes. Little Isabella was close to Sébastien in age and weight at the time of her operation and is now sitting and eats Cheerios! For Sébastien, things seem to be going well...

And for us, the impatient question that nags us asking "What's gonna happen?" is met with an answer in a picture: hope, like a butterfly, gently alights on a sun dappled flower. So pretty and light, it warms its wings in the rays and lets us forget that it was once a caterpillar that had carefully hid itself away from our view as time worked its miracle.

Check back soon!
L'histoire de Sébastien a passé aux nouvelles au Manitoba: (Vendredi 11 août)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Further details - Friday morning

Sébastien has been accepted as candidate to receive the organ donation. David and Jasmina only left for Toronto around 8:00 last evening with the hope that the 50/50 chance would be in their favor this time. The decision, made this morning around 5:00 a.m., will lead to his being operated around 10:00 our time. The organs are slightly larger than they should be for Sébastien's small body, however the doctors figure that it will be as good a chance as Sébastien can get for a transplant - his stomac will remain open for a week as a consequence.


The call - Thursday

Since Sunday, Sébastien's health has seemed precarious... His potassium dangerously high, then dangerously low. He spent Tuesday evening in intensive care, and stopped by again this morning. His blood pressure high and low. He's also had internal bleeding these last few days, though today he seemed better, smiling and making noise. I'd no sooner spoken to Jasmina around 3:00, when at 3:50 she called to say that Sébastien had been called to Toronto for a transplant was available. When asked if we could do anything, she said to pray that Sébastien is strong enough...
