Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sebastien was
sitting today for the first time up in a chair in his new big boy bed....
now David and I can cuddle with him in his new bed and it is soooo nice to be close to him to give him
all our Love.
He is put on Hemodialysis to take off some more fluid
and we would like to aks you to keep him
in your prayers that his kidneys can start functioning again.
We will be posting some more
pictures of Sebastien sitting in his chair soon.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sebastien went to the O.R. on Monday to close him up a little bit more and since that went well he is enjoying his new formula to stimulate his bowel.
Every Monday and Thursday Sebastien has his biopsy done and dressing changes, those days are very busy for him and at the end of the day he is very tired.
On Wednesday Sebastien had a more challenging day but by Thursday morning he was again himself just laughing and playing away. We thank God for all He does for us.
It is soooooo nice to see him play with his toys and read his favorite books with us. Last weekend we were blessed with the visit of Nathalie & Mike with their baby boy Jacob, it was soooo nice to spend time with them.