We hope you can join us to celbrate
our precious son Sébastien who
received his life saving liver and bowel transplant!
We are all gathering together on
Sunday, December 10th at 14:00 at the
Teddy Bear Theater on the 4th floor of the
to celebrate and honor Sébastien as well as his silent hero,
Sébastien and his Family
will have a little donation box available at his birthday party
to invite people to donate to Sick Kids Hospital instead of a birthday gift.
~Lindsay Broesky
Wow! 2 already! I remember praying for the safe arrival of Sebastien in front of the Lady of All Peoples Statue @ Spiri-Maria.
He is looking so good, love the pics of him and Isabelle. Sont belle! (play on the name!)
Hi Sebastien. Wow I can't believe he's almost 2!! I remember his first birthday in the playroom here at the Children's Hospital with all his family and friends. What a year he's had since then. It's wonderful to see him smiling and playing...he's amazing. Here's wishing Sebastien a fun filled 2nd birthday. Leah
Hey Big Boy,
I wish I could come you your big Party but it would have to be a short visit so instead, I'll be seeing you in January. I am very excited about my trip!!! I've missed you and your maman sooooo much! I can hardly wait to see you again and then we can party together!!!
Give your maman a big kiss and a big hug for me.
Love you lots,
Auntie Jackie xoxoxoxo
Happy Bithday Sebastien!
Marie (Physio)
Hello Everyone
Happy Birthday Sebastien. I hope you have fun at your party. Oh how time flies. Sebastien looks wonderful. We are all so happy when we see the beautiful pictures of our special boy. Pinky is standing over my shoulder and saying send him kisses for me too. Keep up the good work.
Hugs and kisses from CK5
Salut Sébastien,
Meilleurs voeux pour ton 2e anniversaire de naissance! How time flies! I remember being at your first birthday party in Winnipeg as if it were yesterday... And now you'll have doubled your age! Not many of us can do that so quickly!
Keep on getting better and stronger. I keep you in my prayers and ask God to bless you in a special way next Tuesday, December 12.
Avec tout mon amour,
bussi bussi
Oncle Normand
Bonne Fête Sébastien!!! We can't wait to come at Christmas. Riley can't wait either. We miss you so much. Have a great day!!!
Hugs and kisses,
Rox, James et Riley Stewart
Happy 2nd Birthday Sebastien!!!! Hope you have an amazing day today, lots of hugs and kisses from us.
Matthew and Kyla
Happy 2nd Birthday Sebastien!!!!!
What a miracle - you are looking so wonderful in all your pictures (mom and dad too, of course). Have a wonderful, exciting & fun birthday! Be a little brat - you can get away with it on your birthday, you know. Love, hugs & kisses to all of you!
p.s. What is your mailing address in Toronto? Is it 26 Gerrard St. East, Toronto M5B 1G3?
Have a wonderful birthday Sebastien! Benjamin turns 2 in exactly 2 months. You are both getting to be big boys. Have a great day. God Bless.
Diane and Ben
Happy Birthday Sebastien...I've been thinking of you all day. I hope you got to enjoy a piece of birthday cake this year. You're looking great little friend...keep up the good work.
Love you large
Happy 2nd Birthday, Sebastien!!!
Your friends from the Playroom did not forget about this important day. We hope you had a nice celebration with your family and friends over there.
We miss you!
With Sherry and Manuela
Happy belated birthday Sebastien. Can't wait to see the birthday pics.
We hope Sebastien had a great 2nd birthday. What a journey he has had since his last birthday! He is such an incredible little boy!
Birthday wishes from,
Micheline, Richard and Emma (who loves to look at Sebastien's pictures)
Hey Sebastien,
Check this out!
They are talking about you buddy!
Happy Birthday sorry I am a little late. Angela turns 4 on the 17th. Keep up the great work!
Holly (Angela's Mommy)
Hey everyone!
The name's Nikki and its a pleasure to meet you folks:D I am the younger sister of Chantelle Vanasse, who is li'l Vincenzo's mommy. I just thought i'd drop in and leave a prayer for Sebastian:D
Jesus, I come before You, and Lord I ask that You would take little Sebastien into Your safe strong Arms and hold him closely to Your Heart. Jesus, You Yourself have said that if we turn away from our sins and come to You with faith like that of an innocent child, we shall surely inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. You said all children will undoubtedly be welcomed into Heaven. Lord, this precious child named Sebastien was long conceived in Your mind before he was conceived by his parents. There is no person in this world which You created who has no purpose for their life. Everyone was created by You, and You don't create beautiful masterpieces without a purpose. Beautiful masterpieces such as Sebastien.
"You made all the delicate,inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous, and how well I know it.You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born.Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalms 139 13-16
Jesus, I know that Sebastien definitely has purpose for being here, and even though I don't know what that purpose is yet,only You know! And so Father, I ask that You would be with Sebastien, his beautiful parents, as well as the countless family and friends. Surround them all with Your ministering angels
,let there be an out pouring of Your incredible,unconditional love.
I pray that this beautiful boy will find his purpose and acceptance in only You. I pray You Lord would set his heart on fire for You and become hungry for more of You in his life. I pray he will chase after You with a heart of steadfast love for You.
I also pray he would be a light shining in this dark world we live in and he woill be a blessing to everyone he meets along the way on this journey called life.
In Jesus Name Amen!!!
happy be-lated b-day Sebastien:D May you always feel the warmth of the Father's Love He always had and always will have for you.
happy belated birthday Sebastien!
from clara catellier
Wishing you, David,Jasmina, and Sebastien a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!! Also to All the Children and their Families at the Sick Kids Hospital!!!!!!
Hope That this new year will bring renewed HOPE,STRENGTH,& FAITH for Every single one of you!!!! You are in my thoughts & prayers ALWAYS!!!
~Lindsay Broesky
Sebastien, Mommy and Daddy
God Bless Your Family This Christmas. You have all come such a long way in the last year, keep up the great work.
Team Hill
Happy belated 2nd birthday Sebastien! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too! Hope Santa is good to you!
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