An update
The water on Sébastien's heart was worse than the Doctors had suspected, as the dialysis machine is unable to remove it from his system. Unfortunately, Sébastien will have to be operated on, and is presently in the O.R.
The operation has good chances of being successful.Jacinta
Hi Jasmina .My prayers for sebastien I hope he is out of ICU soon.
Sorry I didn't seethe post that he has gone in for operation my prayers are with you.
We will be praying for Sebastien to pull through this. God Bless.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Sebastien.
Bonjour à vous autres !!
On vous souhaite du courage, de la force et de l'espoir.
On prie pour vous tous...
Tiens bon petit trésor de Sébastien.
On t'aime gros ainsi que tes parents !!!
Tante Agathe et oncle Raoul
Stay strong, and courageous. You are in Our prayers! Keep your focus on where our HOPE comes from! God Bless!
~Lindsay Broesky
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