Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This is one of my favorite pictures of our sweet Sebastien who is holding on to his rosary when we were saying our prayers at night. He fell asleep........ohhhhhh what a precious moment......
We would like to ask you all to keep Sebastien in your prayers as he will go to the O.R. this Thursday at 1:30 p.m. to close him up a littel bit more......

Look at me sitting up with my Papa, this was sooooo much fun.....
Schau wie ich schon sitzen kann mit meinem Papa, ich hatte soooo viel Spass....
(this picture was taken this morning)

I really would like
with my Mamma & Papa
to thank you all for all your support and prayers.
It is sooooooooo great to have
my Mamma & Papa here with me at my side
and I would like to thank you all for making
this possible that my Mamma & Papa can be with me.
With all my Love and Thank's to you all!!!!!
God bless !
Sebastien xoxox Mamma xoxoxo Papa xoxoxxo
(SEbastien would like to play with you....what a happy boy he is

This is me with my awesome Papa just before he had to fly back to Winnipeg and he got me a littel plane that I love sooo much and I would play with my plane every day that time would fly by really fast during the time my Papa would be in Winnipeg.
Papa und Ich spielen mit meinem Flugzeug.

This is me with my Ostomy Nurse Bonita from Winnipeg.
She came to visit me here at Sick Kids in Toronto.
I was sooooo happy to see her.....
Thank you soooo much for visiting me Bonita and I would like to say hi to all my friends.....
Your friend Sebastien xoxoxoxox

This is me with my Ostomy Nurse Bonita from Winnipeg and I was sooooo happy to see her.
Thank you Bonita for visiting me here in Toronto and hello to everyone in Winnipeg!
Your friend Sebastien xoxoxo

Our sweet Sebastien is sitting up again in his chair yeahhhhh...... despite his ups and downs during the last week.
Wie schon ist es Sebastien sitzen zu sehen yeahhh.......
We are soooo blessed with all your support and prayers for our son Sebastien and we would like to thank all of you for your prayers that protected our Sebastien during his most difficult moments.

Our sweet Sebastien is sitting up in his chair again yeahhhhhh..... despite all the ups and downs of last week.
We are soooo thankfull for all your prayers that helped and protected our littel Sebastien.