This is one of my favourite pictures as it shows how happy our precious Sebastien
is and how much Love, Hope and Joie de vivre he shows us ...... what a special moment to capture and we are sooo blessed with our littel miracle
who is hugging his amazing Papa...
(did you notice his skin colour?)
Hi again!
Yes I noticed that Sébastien seems to have lost his "tan" ... you have probably not taken him out in the sun enough lately !!!
It's nice to see him smile.
With lots of love,
oncle Normand
Sebastien looks AMAZING! What a strong little guy. I am so happy to see the new pics. I hope that things continue to go well durring your recovery! Take care. Hugs and Kisses!
Hi Jasmina & David,
Sebastien you look GREAT! Mom and Dad too! I did notice his skin color, what a wonderful change and so happy and smiling. It is so nice to see his latest pictures. Give him a hug and kiss for me.
Take care.
Jeannie (CH5)
Salut David et Jasmina,
Quel changement dans les photos de Sébastien!
Quel exemple de courage vous êtes tous les trois!
Prières et amitiés
Lise H
Wow Sebastien looks great! Keep up the great work. We are sending e-hugs and e-kisses and of coarse e-prayers to all of you!
Angela and Julia's Mommy
What a great picture of David and Sebastien. People can not get over how awesome he looks. We are all so excited. Dr. Moroz was so pleased to see his pictures. Pinky says Hi and David still owes her a kiss. We are missing you and hoping you return soon. Take care and know that you are in our thoughts and our prayers. Hugs and kisses. Hi from everyone on CK5.
Love Barb
Sebastien looks awesome!!! I am so very happy that things are going so well. It's so good to see him smiling. I can't believe his color. He looks so very healthy. Can't wait until you are back in Winnipeg so we can come up and see you in CK5. Who knows, maybe you will get to go straight home? Take care and God bless.
Hello Forrest Family
Our little guy looks great!!! So happy to see him smiling...we miss that! Lots of hugs and kisses, CK5 nurses
Chers Jasmina et David,
Je suis tellement contente pour vous tous de savoir que Sébastien a enfin reçu la transplantation et qu'il va maintenant mieux. On peut dire que les Forest ont "Du coeur au ventre!" Ils n'abandonnent jamais! Je travaille dans un centre réadaptation et je peux vous dire que les patients qui sont bien supportés par leur famille et qui sont entourés d'amis ont de meilleures chances de guérison. La foi joue aussi un rôle primordial. Dans votre cas, c'est ce qui vous a permis de traverser les pires moments et je ne peux qu'admirer votre courage et votre ténacité.
Tous les Forest sont derrières vous et pensent à vous!
Johanne Forest-Lépine
Association des Forest d'Amérique
P.S. Me permettriez-vous de re- produire des extraits de votre site dans notre prochain bulletin?
My sister just called and told me that Sebastien is now famous in Winnipeg. I can't wait until I get to see the article in the Free Press. I am so glad that things are going well. Continuing to pray for you all. God bless!!!
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